
what´s the time

In the last two posts everything was set up to use protocol buffers and a example message was defined [1],[2]. The robot message contains a data field timestamp which is useful to check for the ordering of messages (if from the same source) or if implementing some kind of archival storage. By design this data field is defined as string, because it should be human readable and human interpretable in an easy way and second reveal some kind of standard. We follow ISO 8601 and use boost::posix_time from the Boost.Date_Time library [3]. The following code will demo how it is used.

#include "boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp" 
using namespace boost::posix_time;
void demoPosixTime()
  ptime t0 = microsec_clock::local_time();
  std::string  timeString  = to_simple_string(t0);
  std::string  timeIsoString = to_iso_string(t0);
  ptime t1 = time_from_string(timeString);
  ptime t2 = from_iso_string(timeIsoString);
  if( t0 == t1 && t1 == t2 )   std::cout << "t0 ,t1 and t2 are equal" << "\n";
  ptime t3 = from_iso_string("20161120T170143.558219");  
  if(t3 > t1 )
	std::cout << " t3 is a new message \n";
        std::cout << "t3 is a message from the past \n";
  return ;

Just include posix_time.hpp and use boost::posix namespace for less typing. You start by constructing a ptime object from a clock. There are two clocks available which differ in time resolution. For example you can choose between microsec_clock or second_clock each promising different resolutions. Note: If you have strong recommendations for your time resolution please test first on your system !
From each clock we can get the actual time, for example local_time like in the example. A second option is universal_time() for getting UTC [4] There are two free functions available which convert the ptime object in a string representation. to_simple_string gives a nice readable notation of the time whereas to_iso_string encodes to more compact (5 Bytes less than to_simple_string) ISO 8601 string.
The reverse operation can be achieve by calling from_iso_string or time_from_string for simple_string. Unfortunately the API is not symetric by names in this case. Do not mix the operations ! To call from_iso_string whith a simple_string will lead to an error.

Now, the big advantage after obtain the ptime object from lets say a string, is that you can compare two time points, because operators a well defined for ptime objects.

setting up MQTT

First we have to create a MQTTClient handle with the library function call MQTTClient_create. We need to specify a serverURL which we want to connect later. For the moment this server , also called a broker, is a public accessable one at with default port 1883. Note: there is no user / password auth and there is no security/encryption like TLS, so be careful about your secret robot messages. To identify the client we can put a clientID into that function too. It must not more than 23 characters utf 8 encoded string.For example we can use the mac adress of one of our networkadapters here.

#include  "MQTTClient.h" 
RobotCtrl robotControler("Kraftwerk"); 
MQTTClient mqttClient;
std::string  clientID=  "RoboClient"; // do not use colons inside
int rc = MQTTClient_create(&mqttClient,
rc = MQTTClient_setCallbacks(mqttClient,

! Note: it turns out that any colon appears in the client ID the connectio to the broker will fail.

In case we want to receive a message (subscribe) paho lib can invoke a user defined callback. The callback has to set BEFORE the connection to the broker takes place.
Unfortunately the MQTTClient_setCallback methods accept a pointer to a function, so we can not feed in a function pointer to a member function of our object robotControler which is responsible for control the robot, use protocol buffer message and publishing to the broker.
So only global or static functions are possible for the callback. So the callback function can be implemented as a static function of our RobotCtrl class like this:

static int RobotCtrl::onMessageArrived(void* context, char* topic , int tlen, MQTTClient_message *msg)
 RobotCtrl *caller = (RobotCtrl*) context;
 std::string _topic(topic);
 if( "right_topic" == _topic)
    // process message

By casting the context pointer to our RobotCtrl , we can actually use the calling object to invoke its mehods here. I come back to that function later.
! Note: if you return 0 from this function the callback is invoked again. So a value not equal to zero indicates a successful message processing.

connect me

For the connection we need to populate the connectOptions struct. For convenience the lib provides default initalizer here.
In case of connection termination the client can send a last will, which is defined in the MQTTClient_willOptions. So any listener who subscribed to the topic “Robo/disconnect” will
receive the message “R2D2 disconnected” right away.

MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
opts.keepAliveInterval = 20; // client checks connection every 20s
opts.cleansession = 1;
opts.connectTimeout = 2;
opts.will = &wopts;   
opts.will->message = "R2D2 disconnected";
opts.will->qos = 1;
opts.will->retained = 0;
opts.will->topicName = "Robo/disconnect";
rc = MQTTClient_connect(mqttClient, &opts);

The connect function returns MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS on success.

references / further reading


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